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Reiki Healing

Chakra and field clearing to boost strength, raise your vibration.

  • 40 minutes
  • 88 US dollars
  • Zoom, Phone, or Distance Remote

Service Description

Reiki energy is great for overall healing, and balancing and can help with pain management, anxiety, depression and overall energetic boosting. reiki energy is smart and knows just where its needed, including chakras, aura and field of both the physical and energetic body. Its complimentary to healing efforts regardless of the source. We start by calling in the reiki energy and healing allies. As we connect it's a bit of a guided meditation until we settle in and the energy does its magic. I place my intention on your entire physical and energetic field including the chakras, to release trapped energies and bring healing Reiki energy to repair, align, strengthen, and balance . Fully aligned chakras will fill you with a zest for life, full speed ahead to achieve your goals. Before the sessions, consider and bring your intentions for the healing energies. You need not share the intentions; as we connect it will all be clear to the energy. find a comfortable location for the session. Many people get some great visions, colors and sensations during the sessions. Alternatively, if your schedule is hectic, you can book a session that is done completely remotely at a specific time of your choice. This is a great option for busy bees.

Cancellation Policy

To cancel or reschedule, please contact me within 24 hours to reschedule or to refund your appointment.

Contact Details


Los Angeles, CA

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