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The energy of mankind builds over the generations as do the imprints of mankind on people, animals, and plants / processes and structures associated with life / functions and interactions between man and nature.  Over time the balance becomes misaligned and can result in physical, mental, emotional, disturbances or blockages large or small.  Addressing the imbalances gets things back on track quickly to smooth the ride we call "Life".





Whats the secret to feeling your best?  Releasing the toxic energies holding you back.

AND your homework after the session is to clear the physical toxins in your space that that are resonating with the released for even bette results.


Vibrations typically resonate with each other and create one big vibe, like a set of unique bells in different tones but when played simultaneously the result is a new, combined tone.  Its great if it's a bell, but not if its negative energies dragging you down. For example, I found that grief resonates at a similar frequency to microbial toxins like mold and fungus. For best results, we release the grief, mold, fungus and/or any other energy we find in the same cluster and clear your head, heart and gut or other areas of the body. 


Negative energies can reside in multiple locations, and have multiple combinations and permutations, but like a tweed weave.  Sometimes its quick to unwind like a specific behavior or reaction, others are more complex and built in layers like recurring traumatic life events, relationship walls, success blocks, body issues.  They can also reside in various levels of the Self - this life, past life, inherited from your parents, absorbed from family, friends or environments, the inner child, and even from your akashic record.


What Can Be Addressed? Pretty much Everything!  Who can benefit? Adults, Children, Pets, Business, home and office locations too.  


I draw upon Intuitive channels and integrateThe Body Code, The Emotion Code, Reiki, and  chakra clearing to balance and harmonize the mind, body and spirit with positive bright energies and healing vibes.


Sessions are phone, FaceTime or Zoom.  Busy people can email the focus topic(s) and I email my findings - works just as well. 


Certified practitioner of the Body Code and Emotion Code, REIKI Master.





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