Whats your Weave:
Natural, Man-Made
"Natural" energies include things like sun and moon phases, rays and light and color spectrum. It also includes oceans, lakes, rivers; plants, insects, critters; microbes, algae, and yeast, and food. Everything has energy: active, stored, potential. Even a rock has stored or energy emitting vibrations holding together the structure.
"Man Made" energies are entirely made by man: Emotions, opinions, conclusions, belief systems and belief structures, limited beliefs and limiting beliefs, broadcast messages send and received. EMF and electronics emit man made energy. Pharmaceuticals, food chemicals and poly based materials are 100% man made, even though they may mimic nature.
Natural, Man-Made
Some of the biggest culprits?
Bad Science
Thought patterns
Natural/ManMade are a combination of each. Some easy examples:
- GMO food
- Non-organic food
- Natural healing OTC
- OTC from Pharma
- Toxins of War
- Toxins of Peace
- Disinfectants
- Disenfranchised

Where do we find the energies?
Respiration, digestion, elimination, excretion, secretion, detoxification
Heart, lungs, brain
Adrenals, pancreas
Functional Structures
Spleen, marrow, bone
Liver, stomach, GI ducts
Kidneys, bladder, gall bladder
Skin, membranes, tendons, cartilage
Structures with a function
Eyes, ears, nose
Red, white blood cells, platelets, lymph cells
T-Cells, Antibodies,
Proteins, fat, bone
Transition structures
Sinus, mouth, ears, eyes, GI tract, skin
Sensory structures: Nose, tongue, eyes, ears, skin
Structures of Protection
Hair, Skin, Nails
Thyroid, hyperthyroid,
Pineal, Pituitary,
Thalamus, Hypothalamus, Thymus
Transportation and Communication
Endodocrine, lymphatic and circulatory systems
Meridians, vessels and arteries
Blood, Qi, Lympf, Cerebral-spinal fluid
"Mission Control": Brain and Pituitary
Stem Cells, DNA, RNA

What's Your Weave?